How do I add password protection to PowerPoint?

Let’s say you’re in a situation where your computer is access by multiple people and would like to protect your presentation from being viewed by others, password protection for your PowerPoint is the way to go.

So how do you password protect a Presentation?

Step 1. Go to the Home Office button located at the top left of PowerPoint
Step 2. Click on Save as.

Password Protection PowerPoint 1

Step 3. Go to the “Tools” option
Step 4. Choose the general options

Password Protection PowerPoint 2

Step 5. At this point there are 2 options that you can choose from or both.
One being Password to open

Second being Password to modify

Password Protection PowerPoint 3

With Password to open, when the presentation is launched a popup box will appear and a password will be required to view the file.
Password Protection PowerPoint 4

With Password to modify, it will be possible for others to view the presentation without the password by choosing the read only option
Password Protection PowerPoint 5

BUT, they will be unable to edit the PowerPoint. Be sure to secure your password because if it’s lost or forgotten even you will be unable to access your presentation.

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