Insert an Excel worksheet into PowerPoint 2007

To insert a New Excel worksheet into PowerPoint, go to the slide you like to insert the worksheet into then follow these steps.

Step 1. Go to the Insert tab

Step 2. Click Table

Step 3. Choose the Excel worksheet option

Insert excel into powerpoint

After you have done that, the result will look like this.

Insert excel into powerpoint result

The result can be edited and modified in the same way that a normal Excel worksheet would.

If you would like to insert an Existing Excel worksheet into PowerPoint, you would first open the Excel file then;

Step 1. Highlight the area you would like to Import/copy

Step 2. Right Click that area and choose Copy.

Insert excel into powerpoint 2

Step 3. Go back to your PowerPoint presentation and choose the slide you would like the information to be place in. Right Click and  choose Paste. This can also be done with Excel graphs, and charts.

This is the result.

Insert excel into powerpoint 3

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