Countdown timer for PowerPoint

This tutorial will teach you how to create you own Countdown timer for PowerPoint 2007

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Create a Photo Album in PowerPoint 2007

One of the features of PowerPoint 2007 is the ability to create a Photo album. This allows the presenter to add a sequence images to the presentation and add effects such as captions, layouts, frames , and even themes which opens a even larger window of customization.

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How to Insert video in PowerPoint 2007

Videos are a great way to liven up a presentation by it giving the audience a break from staring at text. This post will show you what steps should be taken to insert a video in PowerPoint 2007.

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Insert slide number in PowerPoint 2007

PowerPoint slide numbers can be useful as a reference for the Presenter and even the Audience. This tutorial will teach you how to Insert slide numbers in PowerPoint.

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Insert Footer in PowerPoint 2007

A footer can be used to add information to the bottom of your PowerPoint presentation slide or slides, such as presenters name, company,  file name and more.

To insert a footer into a PowerPoint 2007 presentation, follow these steps.

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How to create PowerPoint motion path

One of the features of PowerPoint is the abilty to create a motion path. A motion path is simply a path an object follows as it goes from Point A to Point B.

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Using more than one slide master PowerPoint 2007

” I’d like to be able to use more than one slide master in a presentation – how do you do this? ”

If your using PowerPoint 2007, to add multiple slide masters follow these steps:

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Change PowerPoint background

PowerPoint allows you to change the background of your presentation to reflect personal style, or to appeal to your audience by adding alternate colors, patterns, texture or shading.

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Play sound across multiple slides in PowerPoint 2007

To add sound to play across all slides first you need to insert the sound into Powerpoint on your first slide.  After the sound has been inserted click the sound icon, then follow the steps below.

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Hide a slide in PowerPoint 2007

In PowerPoint 2007, Perhaps there is a slide in the presentation that may be incomplete or a slide that may not be suited for a specific audience. Is there a way to hide a slide in PowerPoint, rather than the alternative of deleting? Yes there is.

There are 2 ways to hide a slide in PowerPoint 2007.

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How to crop an image in PowerPoint 2007

Cropping an image in PowerPoint 2007 is quick and easy, once the image is inserted into the presentation, follow these steps.

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How to record narration in PowerPoint 2007

Recording narration in PowerPoint is great feature for PowerPoint 2007 that allows you to add a personal recording to a slide, this is perfect for times when the presenter will not be present. This method allows you to grasp the audience attention, and can separated a great PowerPoint presentation from an amazing one.

Important: To record a narration, your microphone must be plugged in.

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Custom Animation in Powerpoint

A custom animation is group of effects that can be added to an object in PowerPoint. In this tutorial we will show you how add a custom animation to your PowerPoint presentation.

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